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Career Center

Career Center Career Center Division of Student Affairs
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  • Paul Pausky '78

    Paul Pausky '78

    Associate Director, Former Student Career Services

    Office: 209 Koldus

    Duties: Paul joined the Career Center Team in 2000. He leads the Former Student Services Team helping Aggies implement networking strategies using informational interviews to understand the evolving needs of employers and to compete for opportunities in hidden job markets. He advocates the use of those same networking resources and tactics for Aggies moving up their career ladder. His 22 years of sales and project management served engineering and operations teams in the oil and gas, pulp and paper, and telecommunications industries. He started the Aggie Resume Library and helped found the Aggie Professional Forum in Houston responding to the needs of the Aggie Family dealing with the oil industry collapse in 1986. He says it takes more than a resume to build a career.

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