Biomedical sciences is a broad field of applied biology that is directed toward understanding health and disease. The curriculum is designed to provide a strong four-year education that emphasizes versatility of the graduate in the biological and medical sciences. A highly effective counseling program assists students with the development of an individualized approach and course package that orients and prepares the students for entry into the medical, allied health field, or graduate program of their choice. Such an approach enhances their educational experiences, improves their placement in professional and graduate programs, and facilitates their entry into the biomedical science job market.
What do you want to do with Biomedical Sciences?
Career ideas for Biomedical Sciences majors:
Medical and Health Services Manager, Patent Agents and Patent Examiners, Curator, Hatchery, Aquaculture and Marine Farm Managers, Technologists, Technicians; Game Warden, Zookeeper, Park Ranger, Science Educator, Physician, Veterinarian, Clinical Trial Coordinator, Clinical Research Coordinator, Behavioral Interview Coordinator, Data Coordinator, Clinical Geneticist, Clinical Laboratory Technician/Medical Laboratory Technician, Clinical Laboratory Scientist/Medical Technologist, Cytogenetic Technologist /Clinical Cytogeneticist, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Forensic Pathologist, Medical Examiner, Genetic Counselor, Midwife, Radiologic Technologists and Technicians, Food Inspector, Epidemiologist, Immunologist, Neuroscientist, Toxicologist, Medical Sales Representative, Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, Laboratory Product & Equipment Sales Representative

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