The increasing demands that population growth and affluence put on Earth's natural resources and environment require greater numbers of trained professionals and informed citizens. The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies blends an interdisciplinary understanding of Earth's surface processes and environmental problems, along with the policy and decision-making components of human interactions with the environment. The degree is designed to educate students about scientific, human-dimension, and policy aspects of environmental issues facing our state and nation as they work in regulatory agencies, industry, and non-governmental organizations to resolve problems. Student focus upper division coursework in one of five environmental themes: 1) urban environment, 2) occupational health and safety, 3) environmental regulation and compliance, 4) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST), and 5) global environment.
What do you want to do with Environmental Studies?
Career ideas for Environmental Studies majors:
Environmental Coordinator, Environmental Policy Specialist, Environmental Scientist, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, Teacher

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