The GIST program provides students with broad exposure to the geospatial technologies of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as well as applying these technics to specific application areas. This undergraduate degree requires coursework from one of three tracks: Computation, Design, and Analysis (CDA), Earth Systems Analysis (ESA), or Human Systems and Society (HSS). Students receive a rigorous and modern-day education and training in GIST with application knowledge in physical and human geography. The CDA track is more computational and information technology centered and focuses on addressing technical issues, algorithm development, and software tool development. The ESA track is for students interested in studying the Earth sciences and assessing the natural resources of the Earth through a foundation in biogeography, climate, geomorphology, soil science, geology, and ecosystem science. The HSS track is for students interested in social sciences, human/environment relationships, and the planning and management of human resources and urban environments.
What do you want to do with Geographic Information Science & Technology?
Career ideas for Geographic Information Science & Technology majors:
Government Agencies, Energy Industry, Health Science Industry, Military and Intelligence Community, Commercial Industries, Geospatial Industries

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