Similar to Geology, Geophysics emphasizes the development of sound scientific skills and the application of these skills to the study of rocks, minerals, fossils, structures, landforms, and other geologic phenomena. The first two years of the B.S. program in Geophysics are identical to the B.S. in Geology, providing students with the basics of geology and geophysics and the allied fields of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Upper level coursework focuses on two tracks and includes advanced study in either environmental geophysics or petroleum geophysics.
The Environmental Geophysics track focuses the geophysics degree on traditional and emerging methodsused for hydrogeological, structural and stratigraphic characterization of the uppermost 100 meters, with applications to shallow resource and groundwater assessment and the solution of environmental and engineering problems. Students completing the Environmental track of the BS in Geophysics are prepared for graduate school, or for employment in the environmental industry. Environmental geophysicists typically work as independent environmental consultants or with industrial corporation or government agencies.
The Petroleum Geophysics track prepares students for eventual employment in the petroleum industry, in which reflection seismology is the primary subsurface exploration tool. Students in this track will supplement their background in seismic theory and with electives that focus on subsurface structures and processes and industry techniques. The petroleum geophysics track is intended to prepare students for graduate study, as well as provide training for those who may be interested in service jobs in the oil and gas industry between their undergraduate and graduate education.
What do you want to do with Geophysics?
Career ideas for Geophysics majors:
Consultant, Drilling Engineer, Geological Engineer, Geologist, Geophysicist, Hydrologists, Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery, Petroleum Geophysicist, Seismologist, Teacher K-12

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