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  • International Studies (Politics & Diplomacy Track)

    This interdisciplinary program captures the broad range of social, political, cultural, and economic forces at play in an increasingly interdependent world. Courses are linked by language, topic, and region of the world, and class work is enhanced by a related international study abroad experience. Students develop language proficiency, analytical skills, substantive knowledge, and cultural sensitivity.

    The International Politics and Diplomacy track offers students a fundamental understanding of foreign relations. Students learn about the workings of governments and civil societies in a global framework. From this program students gain a sound understanding of how governments communicate and cooperate in regional, continental, and global settings.

    What do you want to do with International Studies (Politics & Diplomacy Track)?

    Career ideas for International Studies (Politics & Diplomacy Track) majors:

    Management, Economics, Marketing, Foreign Affairs, Education, Research, Writing, Human Resources, International Development, Law, Labor Relations, Real Estate, Public Service, Banking and Finance, Sales, Diplomacy, Community Development, Environmental positions

    Bush School of Government & Public Service

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